
A factorio daemon for Ubuntu


  1. Add the APT repository:
     sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/asasine_factoriod.asc 'https://asasine.github.io/factoriod/KEY.asc'
     sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/asasine_factoriod.list https://asasine.github.io/factoriod/sources.list
  2. Update local package index:
     sudo apt update
  3. Install the daemon:
     sudo apt install factoriod
  4. View the status of the daemon:
     sudo systemctl status factoriod
  5. View logs:
     journalctl -u factoriod


The daemon reads static configuration from the /etc/factoriod/ directory by default. Modifying /etc/factoriod/appsettings.json will adjust the daemon’s behavior at runtime.

Dynamic configuration, accessible through the REST API, is stored in /var/lib/factoriod/config/. Some notable files:

If a configuration file is not found, the daemon will use the default configuration. Configuration can be customized through the REST API.


Saves are stored at /var/lib/factoriod/saves/ as *.zip files. The daemon will automatically load the most recent save on startup. To load a different save, use the PUT api/save/{name} endpoint. To create a new save, use the PUT api/save/create/{name} endpoint.